The contribution is based on a method that has been developed during practical work in an office for gynecology, obstetrics, and psychotherapy, which has resulted e.g. in an astoundingly low rate of premature births among the pregnant women cared for. It has been found that many physical problems in pregnancy should be regarded within the entirety of physical and emotional processes. In contrast to the traditional approach, symptoms are not regarded as problems that have to be got rid of, but are rather to be interpreted as signals and signposts that point towards more appropriate modes of behavior and lead to insights into the inner emotional history of the mother and previous burdens, arising from her own or her ancestors early history. This leads to suggestions for primary prevention, the encouragement of the expectant mother to improve her inner emotional and physical state and to get her unborn child free from mothers so far unconcious impairments. An overview about five different methodological levels within prenatal psychology and the importance of their inclusion into care of pregnancy is pointed out. This psychosomatic and psychotherapeutic work is a help to prevent pregnancy difficulties like repeated miscarriage, preeklampsia, HELLP-Syndrome, post partum mastitis and others. Three case histories are included