This paper is a presentation, exploration and psychoanalytic and communication system interpretation of the ubiquitous, and powerful socially shared resistances operative globally in society that function to ignore, deny, refute, or perpetuate a lack of acceptance of the indisputable research proven fact that the fetus is a sentient human being who can be adversely affected by inimical psychological messages from his prenatal environment, not just by physical insults. Examples are presented that document the prevalence of these resistances in popular magazines, newspapers, radio and television programs, movies, advertising. philanthropic and religious organizations, the law, political and governmental debates and position statements, professional journals, and in position statements of medical and psychological organizations. Relative to the clinical practice of psychoanalysis, almost no attention is given to the prenatal history, to prenatal dynamics, or to the possible occurrence of prenatal transferences. Examples will also be presented of resistances encountered personally by the author in his academic environment. Emphasis is placed on the crucial role of abortion survivors in the genesis and perpetuation of these resistances. Abortion survivors are persons who have survived after having been threatened prenatally with being aborted, either because of a direct attempt to physically abort them, or because of having lived in an ambivalent unwelcoming intrauterine environment in which the possibility of their being aborted was consciously or unconsciously considered by their parent(s) or significant others. Because the constellation of thinking, feeling and behavior of those who so vehemently deny the reality of the prenate's psyche so resembles the constellation of the symptoms of abortion survivors seen in clinical practice, the suggestion is made that many of these persons, among them many influential public leaders, may themselves be abortion survivors. Unconscious of their prenatal trauma, they may well be acting out transferential derivatives of their prenatal trauma in social interactions one of them consisting of supporting the current practice of aborting 25% of unborn babies worldwide.