This paper is a slightly modified chapter from Our Replacement Species: How Neurogenetic Technology is Improving Humans, a forthcoming companion volume to Learning Before Birth: Every Child Deserves Giftedness. The latter describes the history, theory, development, application, and outcomes of prenatal enrichment from curricularized sonic variants in the maternal blood pulse - which through auditory driving of protoalpha rhythm indicating nascent dataprocessing stimulates the earliest neural growth - benefitting over 100,000 children born worldwide since 1987 by mitigation in normatively massive brain cell death concluding full-term gestation. The antiapoptotic thesis posits a macroevolutionary mechanism induced through substantial ontogenetic cognitive and behavioral gains recoding genetic instructions, thus reflecting the neoLamarckian dynamic whereby a phylogene adapts generationally to extreme environmental morphosis, in this instance both demographic as well as memetic forces countered by a unique cultural intervention.